“Since starting hypnosis, every area of my life has improved. It’s helped me deal with past emotional trauma, negative/self-destructive behavior, fear and anxiety, and my self-worth and confidence. Before hypnosis, I was prone to depression/self-doubt. I now know that I am capable of whatever I wish to achieve, am confident in myself and my abilities, and value myself and know that I deserve goodness and positive things in my life. I’ve learned to deal with emotional issues and past labels I had attached to myself subconsciously. It’s helped with performance anxiety, teaching me to have fun and play from the heart instead of a place of fear and self-doubt.” ~ Lindsey T, Cellist *
“Thank you. You’re amazing and I love that you can help me see how amazing I am. I feel much better. It already feels less stressful to allow, rather than to react with anger. Thanks again.” ~ Kat T, Artist/Waitress *
“I have been doing my self-hypnosis exercises, and I can tell a difference. Thanks, Loretta. You’re the best!” ~ Barry P, Dentist *
“I’m doing well. I’ve been in court 3 times since I saw you, and all 3 times have been fine. In fact, they’ve been fun. I’ve come away from each appearance feeling good about the experience and confident that ‘I can do this.’ As I’m standing in front of the judge, I realize I’m not nervous. I’m not even thinking about the other attorneys or whoever else is in court. I just did what I needed to do and was fine! Best feeling! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” ~ Jennifer, Trial Attorney *
The interview went really well. I was offered a conditional position! Thanks for all your help!” ~ Clay, ER Medical Doctor [more confidence with public speaking and interviews] *
Hey! Just wanted you to know that what you're doing to help John [friend and patient]...is working! Marie [assistant] and I noticed that he has a radiance and color in his face that's been absent for some time. God is great and so are you!” ~ Ron T, Chiropractor *